DISK_PAK for UNIX Rev. 3.00 has new interface, ports to HP-UX

EAGLE Software, Inc. has released version 3.01 of DISK_PAK for UNIX. This new version includes several feature upgrades as well as various new elements.

DISK_PAK can dramatically improve file system performance in the UNIX environment. As files are created and deleted, and as new elements are added to files, the elements of a file can become scattered across the file system. As a file system becomes more fragmented, disk throughput decreases, and the system spends more time finding available space. DISK_PAK will safely eliminate file system fragmentation as well as cluster frequently accessed files for peak file system responsiveness. DISK_PAK keeps file systems performing at their optimum level.

New user interface

The most noticeable addition to the new revision of DISK_PAK for UNIX is a new user interface that has the look and feel of OSF/Motif.

"The new interface will make the product even that much easier to use," said Dave Hiechel, president and CEO of EAGLE Software. Our new interface has been designed to make the product compatible with the user's standard X Windows environment.

Another feature of the new version of DISK_PAK for UNIX is that multiple scans and organizes can be done simultaneously. With the previous version of DISK_PAK for UNIX, the user was only able to scan or organize one file system at a time.

Ports to HP-UX

A significant change to this version of DISK_PAK for UNIX is that it now supports the Hewlett Packard platform. DISK_PAK for UNIX supports HP-UX Revision 9.x on the HP9000/700 and HP9000/800 platforms. DISK_PAK supports HP disk peripherals as well as third-party peripherals supported by HP-UX.

DISK_PAK for UNIX Revision 3.00 now reads system configuration files to identify existing file systems that may be organized. This reduces the amount of configuration a system administrator has to do before running the DISK_PAK for UNIX program.

System administrators also have the flexibility to specify locations and priorities of selected files. There are four list designations into which the files can be entered:

  1. frequent files - files the system administrator determines to be the most frequently accessed files on the system;
  2. archive files - files the system administrator determines are the least accessed files, or files that are rarely accessed on the system;
  3. transient files - files that are determined to be temporary or that will soon be deleted; and
  4. static files - files the system administrator determines are not to be touched by DISK_PAK for UNIX.

The new revision matches device names with file system names, so file systems are now listed by device name and their associated mount points.

New output file options allow users to save and print different phases of the file system optimization process. These options help document performance increases on the system after DISK_PAK for UNIX has been used.

With DISK_PAK 3.00, scans and organizes can be interrupted during any phase of the optimization process.

DISK_PAK for UNIX is available on:
Operationg System   Hardware              File systems
-----------------   --------              ------------
AIX                 IBM RS/6000           jfs
BOSX                Honeywell             jfs
CLIX                Intergraph            SV, ufs
DG/UX               Data General AViiON   dgfs
HP-UX               Hewlett Packard       hfs
SCO                 386/486/Pentium       SV, afs, eafs
SunOS               SPARC                 ufs
Solaris             SPARC                 ufs

Organize file types, sizes

DISK_PAK for UNIX organizes different file system types, excluding raw partitions. Operating systems and the corresponding file system types are listed in Figure 1.

DISK_PAK for UNIX also organizes various file system sizes. The program can organize file systems up to the two-gigabyte size on AIX, SCO, SunOS, and CLIX. It organizes file systems up to the four-gigabyte size on HP-UX, and goes above four gigabytes o n DG/UX. There is no limit to the file system size DISK_PAK for UNIX can organize on Solaris systems.

Overall, DISK_PAK for UNIX has undergone improvements in performance which help reduce the amount of time the system administrator has to spend to optimize file systems.

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